Dune | Red Dwarf | Stars War

Links to 2000AD-related sites

A big change from a few of years ago (1997), now there is plenty of 2000AD web-sites.. Must check out if not already the following few...
2000AD Links Project on Angelfire or Cyberboth.
2000AD - The unoffical web-site
Justin Smith's 2000AD Homepage - winner of the 2000AD Web-site Competition
BritCitz/Dark Star Comics - Comics International - Class of 79

If you're on AOL type '2000AD' to access the AOL 2000@D site, which is now "mothballed"
For those not on AOL try these links, hopefully they still work Classics - Thrillpower - Nerve Center - Gathering

2000AD- The Cover Story - the Definitive web-site for 2000AD covers (progs 1000-1100) - Covers

2000ad, ABC warriors, Halo Jones, Nemesis, Mega-city One, Slaine

MEGACITY: Le site francais de Judge DREDD
unoffical 2000AD
Colonel X's 2000AD Guide - The most extensive guide on the net.
Friday's 2000AD page - Carlos Ezquerra page - Dr and Quinch -the wacky aliens
Sinister Dexter : Matts Pageby Matt Wooding. Sinister Dexter story index review with several jpegs to boot.
Friday's 2000AD Appreciation Page - The alt.comics.2000ad Newsgroup

abc warriors main page
World's biggest comic

2000 ad index - a good index based in Ireland

2000ad - The Galaxy's Greatest Comic
mirror site

Comics99 - UK Comics resources - The code that killed American comics

Comic Sites Alliance
Member of the Comic Sites Alliance
Dark Horse Comics Home Page

Red Dwarf

It's back on air, a new Red Dwarf series on BBC2 Thursday and Sunday 9pm.